Open Hardware to Grow Public Spaces

Kawandeep Virdee • @whichlight

making something for the public

making something more public

hacking hardware

hacking public space

I. In a room

Setting up the web
People adding to it

"It feels like a giant cat's cradle.

It brings back memories of when I was with my grandmother, except now I can be inside the game instead of just with my hands."

II. In a public festival

III. Along your commute

IV. Into Institutions

V. Into Existing Public Art

Color Distribution

 197 Red
 194 Blue
 136 Green
 121 Fish
  97 Cyan
  93 Yellow
  87 Rainbow
  79 Pink
  78 Purple
  71 Orange
  66 Lime
  59 White
  45 Salmon
  43 Black
  41 Myrtle
  40 Puce
  35 Teal
  33 Aqua
  32 Azure
  29 Brown
  28 Peach
  26 red

Fish Distribution

  40 +1618
  18 +1617
  16 +1802
  16 +1603
  12 +1646
   6 +1917
   6 +1802
   5 +1603
   4 +1541
   4 +1207
   3 +1774
   1 +1978
   1 +1702
   1 +1508

VI. Into Buildings

You're awesome web developers

    now into hardware

Bring the interactivity and collaboration of the web into objects

Building the Housing
Playing with the Grid

    There is so much wonder in making.

    Interactivity helps cultivate it further.

    new ways to know one another.

    new ways to find joy.




    dan sternof beyer, bevan weissman, brandon stafford, greg macglashing, adam conner-simons, rosie weinberg, noura howell, adam ribaudo, karen stein shanley, and matthew shanley.

Free free to get in touch to riff on ideas and possibilities! I'd love to hear what want to make, and am happy to help think of ways to make it more public.