draw + play
sketches to explore ways to play w drawing as an input
- mandala_mirror
- grubs
simple movement from a line gesture, based on
- confetti gem
Note: rapidly changing colors.
- pixel disco
Note: rapidly changing colors.
- flowing
draw a line of points. click a point to start a color change cascade.
see if you can create color looping.
- collide
lines change color when the path heads collide
- intersect
change color when points on the lines intersect
- fans opening
animating the triangle fill pattern
- fans
a triangular fill pattern
- blockshimmer
animate a drawing gesture with flowing blocks
- glow path
loop the drawing gesture
some previous ones that inspired this direction
- dreamy noise synth
from synthruary. draw dreamy patterns and sounds
- 3D depth block drawing
when you press it draws blocks and pushes outward. when you let go, it pulls you forward.
from the genuary prompt 'perspective'.
- falling sand
click to draw with sand, inspired by sand falling art. from the genuary prompt 'sand'.
- airport carpet
draw a tiled carpet pattern. refresh to clear. from the genuary prompt 'airport carpet'.
not a drawing thing but came up along the way